Wednesday, April 19, 2006

Pulmonologist Appointment

I took Jack to see Dr. James Phillips on Monday. He listened to Jack's lungs and then asked if anyone had ever mentioned anything about cystic fibrosis coming up on his newborn screens. I said "NO!" He said he hadn't read anything in Jack's NICU discharge, but he just wanted to make sure. He listened to Jack again, and then he had me give him a breathing treatment in the office. Afterwards, he listened again, and he said that the treatment really didn't seem to make that much of a difference. He said that if the wheezing was because of the bronchiolitis, the albuterol would take care of it. He said that he thinks it may be one of two conditions: one, fluid may be leaking into lungs when he eats; or two, he may have a vein going to his heart that is putting pressure on his airway and causing the wheeze. We will do a swallow study within the next few weeks to rule these out. He said he wasn't very concerned about the wheeze, that nothing is sending up a red flag for him. He told me not to worry (YEAH, RIGHT!). He said that for a 23 weeker, we definitely got very lucky.